100NL was frustrating to play for the last month, especially when I was running bad. I didn't make as much as I anticipated, but I made enough to be comfortable playing 200NL again. I've been grinding about a week and table selecting; it definitely makes a difference. The only downside of it is that your hands per hour really suffer, but hey if you're making money, nothing to complain about. If the rest of this month goes according to plan and I don't get hit by some downswing, it should be my biggest month in poker + my VPP milestone bonus.
I'm really considering the SNE chase for next year and might take a semester off school to try and achieve this or even do part-time school. Remaining in school is definitely a option, but I'll go crazy trying to maintain the balance of grind, school work/tests, and time with girlfriend and family. Contemplating my future...